Tag: moments

The Map of life

And in life we all have these special moments i believe. Where they say life takes turns. I always wondered why they’re called turns, why is this journey of life always called a journey, and why is it always a lone trek? Well it’s a simple logic, we are all born alone as a single …

Everything Counts

I was going through my personal diaries yesterday. All those lose pages i had written when i was probably 5 or 7 n a few well maintained diaries from last five years. Going through all those years felt so beautiful. It was as if i was living them all over again. All those years all those …

Be with U

There are times in our lives when everything is normal and happy and nothing’s wrong, yet we feel like something’s missing. As if something is incomplete. Typical teenage quotes and posts around the social network tell us this is loneliness and we somehow start believing it. We start connecting to it, and hence conclude that …