The Map of life in life we all have these special moments i believe. Where they say life takes turns. I always wondered why they’re called turns, why is this journey of life always called a journey, and why is it always a lone trek?
Well it’s a simple logic, we are all born alone as a single embryo and we all die with only ourselves. The whole thing we have in between these two points, it’s already decided yet we can never plan a moment, that is destiny. It’s exactly like a map to an unsure destination. First,it would take time to figure it out , and then when we do that we still don’t know which direction to move in. Though the map gives us exact locations and precise view of the whole city it requires help and guidance to walk it. The kind we seek from strangers that we meet on the way or people who gave us a beginning. Some strangers walk with us to the turn as they head in the same direction. And then there are some turns where we get confused and look to the map again, and think we had been doing something wrong. We decide to take another route. We bid farewell to the strangers and leave. That changes our journey completely, it changes our unsure destination, it changes our way of looking at the map, it changes our way of seeking help, it changes our way of selecting the strangers for help, it can even change the way we take steps. That’s what happens in our special moments, we leave people, people leave us, we change our goals, we recreate our destinies, we change the way we look at life, we change the way we handle situations.
And there are many turns, some we take some we don’t. There are many moments some we learn from some we let go. It’s about the map basically and how you read it. But there’s a trick, we’re all born with a different map. It’s about the destined life and how we take it. ❤


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