Category: The adolescent blogger

When words fall short

When the back of his fingers touched her cheeks, brushing her hair off her face, tucking them behind her ear; she pretended she didn’t notice it. She kept talking the way she was, although, she couldn’t hear her own words anymore. Though she wished she could hold his hand right there, close her eyes and …

And I know I’m gonna miss school ?

I’m gonna miss everything and everyone. Yes we promise to stay together, some of us will, many will but things would still change. There won’t be any school corridor where we’ll see each other’s face every day. The school uniform was important indeed, all of us looked ugly and there wasn’t much we could do …

The language of the Hands

Taking someone’s hand into your own is the most beautiful gesture you can ever make. It’s like you want them to trust you, you tell them that you’d take care, you’ll hold. You make them feel your presence in a supportive sense. Letting them take your hand feels as pleasing. For a moment you feel …


At times I wish I could stay still for sometime. Just lie on my bed, blankly staring at the roof, not moving a single cartilage. Just lie with my eyes open and feel the stillness. It makes me calm and sooths me down. I start to notice the color of the roof and feel my …